Digital Resource Center
"This Digital Resource Center is all about sharing the accumulating wisdom and materials of the News Literacy teaching community, which works to strengthen democracy by teaching students to pluck reliable information from the daily media tsunami."
Center for Media Literacy
"Through the years, CML has not only advocated for media literacy education but also designed, developed, implemented and evaluated resources for educators and communities to comprise the CML MediaLit Kit™. CML’s framework for media literacy is now evidenced-based, with a peer-reviewed longitudinal study by UCLA."
Stony Brook University's News Literacy Course
The full News Literacy course, developed at Stony Brook University, organizes the material into 8 concepts that are spread amongst our 14-week course that take students from the first information revolution of Johannes Gutenberg's printing press to the Digital Age of Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook. Each lesson stands alone or can easily be integrated into your program.
The Ultimate Critical Thinking Guide
A Who-What-Where-When-Why-How infographic guide to asking the questions that matter when engaging with new information.