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Global Health: Books


This guide is a starting point for locating global health-related books, videos, journal articles, and credible websites.

Use the COD Library catalog to search the COD Library's collection of books, videos, e-books, and streaming media. Use your MyAccess/Bb user name and password to check these items out or access them online.

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Search the Library Catalog

Use our catalog to find books, videos, and other resources in our collections.

Advanced Search

Catalog Search Tips

When searching the Library catalog, here are some tips:

  • Enter the title of a book (if you know it) putting the title in quotes
  • Search by subject or keywords if you don't know a specific title
  • Limit by publication type (eBooks, print, videos), publication date, location
  • The Library has print and e-books available.
  • Learn more about using the COD Library Catalog

Subject Searching

Here are just a few of the many subjects assigned to global health resources.
Remember that you can:
  • use the options on the right-hand side of the catalog results page to sort by newest publication to oldest
  • limit to resource type (ebook, print book, video).
developing countries Medical care -- United States
health services accessibility public health
international cooperation * world health
* Further refine your subject searches by adding keywords. Use the connecting word AND when adding keywords:
  • "international cooperation" AND health
  • "developing countries" AND health

Reference Sources

Reference materials are well indexed, up-to-date, concise, and highly credible. They provide overviews, definitions, specific information (such as causes & symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, prognosis, etc) or addresses. Types of reference books include: directories, dictionaries and encyclopedias, basic health books (describing diseases and conditions), and drug resources.

Electronic Reference

Physical Reference

Conn's Current Therapy REF RM101 .C87

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment REF RC71 .A14

Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary REF R 121.D73 (Ready Reference--located at our reference desks)

Goldman's Cecil Medicine REF RC46 .C423

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine REF RC46 .H333

Select Print Titles

From Famine to Fast Food

The foods eaten by a nation's population play a key role in shaping the health of that society. This book presents country-specific information on how diet, food security, and concepts of health critically impact the well-being of the world's population.

Comparative Health Systems a Global Perspective

Global health policy, administration, and practice continue to evolve while countries throughout the world seek to balance their economic and health goals through health system reform, improvement, and modification.

Women and Health: global lives in focus

This volume on global women's health provides a broad overview of many conditions that impact women's health, including social and economic inequities and examples of health advocacy.

Global Health: ethical challenges

the book outlines how progress towards improving global health relies on understanding its core social, economic, political, environmental and ideological aspects.

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  • Last Updated: Jan 27, 2025 12:32 PM
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