This research guide is a starting point for finding materials related to Interior Design. Feel free to contact the Librarian for help or to suggest materials for purchase.
If you need additional help, come to the Library Reference Desk or Ask A Librarian.
Fairchild Interior Design Library. Check out this collection of textbooks and reference materials!
Building Green is here and it is awesome! Make an account with your COD email address for premium access even off-campus.
Need help using the designer resources? Find it here and click on How to Use Designer Pages.
The NKBA Professional Resource Library is available online.
Use our catalog to find books, videos, and other resources in our collections.
The best way to start searching the Library catalog is to do a keyword search for words that describe your topic. Try to choose specific keywords. You may need to experiment with keywords to find ones that work for your topic. Once you find some items, you can use subject headings to find other items that cover the same topic.
Use these call number ranges to browse the General Collection and the Reference Collection.
Also look for e-books and streaming media.
NK 1700 - NK 3496 | Interior Decoration |
NK 1710 - NK 2110 | Interior Decoration History |
NK 2002 - NK 2011 | Interior Decoration United States |
NK 2115.5 / TT 390 | Draperies |
TH 880 / TH 4860 | Sustainable Interior Design |
NK 2113.5 | Portfolios |
There are several encyclopedias, handbooks, and dictionaries to use for a quick lookup. Reference materials are not typically something you sit down and read cover to cover, though you could if you really wanted to. A small selection is shown below.
Your instructor will sometimes put materials on reserve at the Circulation Desk for your courses. These lists will sometimes also include e-books and articles.
The library is part of a consortium of academic libraries known as I-Share. As COD students, you can request items from other libraries and pick them up at the COD Library, all at no cost to you. For more information, visit our Requesting Items Webpage.