Scroll down the item record and locate the "Get It" section.
Click the "Request for pickup" link.
Once your request is ready, you'll be emailed instructions to schedule a pickup.
I-Share Requests
COD Students, Faculty, and Staff can use the Library catalog to locate and borrow items from other I-Share libraries when those items are not available at the COD Library. Requested items are sent from the lending library to COD or any other I-Share library you choose. You can return items to any I-Share library. You will receive notification from the lending library when the item is ready.
It is important to note District Residents cannot request items through I-Share.
For the item you want, click on "Check for available services"
Click on "I-Share"
Review the accuracy of the request form and confirm your pickup location is correct
Click the "Send Request" button
Once your request is ready, you'll be emailed instructions to schedule a pickup.
The I-Share database contains nearly 15 million unique bibliographic records and more than 38 million item records, representing the holdings of 89 CARLI I-Share member institutions. Access to this enormous consortial collection gives COD Library users ready access to a collection that ranks among the world’s largest research libraries.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary loan is a free service for COD Library card holders (note: District residents cannot request articles). COD students, faculty, administrators and staff members, should only request items through Interlibrary loan if items are not available through I-Share.