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Professional Development Resources: Student Affairs

Selected Titles

Bandwidth Recovery

This book argues that the cognitive resources for learning of over half our young people have been diminished by the negative effects of economic insecurity, discrimination and hostility against non-majority groups based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender identity, and other aspects of difference.

First Class Support for College Students on the Autism Spectrum

College students with autism can face many difficulties during the transition from high school to further education and beyond. This book shares practical advice for supporting students on the autism spectrum and helping them to succeed not only academically, but also socially and emotionally.

Handbook for Student Affairs in Community Colleges

In addressing the unique issues related to the delivery of student services in the community college setting, this book fills a longstanding need to provide practitioners with a contextual framework for their work.

The Art of Effective Facilitation

This book is intended for the increasing number of faculty and student affairs administrators - at whatever their level of experience -- who are being asked to become social justice educators to prepare students to live successfully within, and contribute to, an equitable multicultural society.

The Undecided College Student

The world of technology is advancing at a rapid pace. New career fields are emerging, new interdisciplinary majors are being developed, and new college majors are being formed to prepare students for an ever-changing workplace.

Advising Student Groups and Organizations

The only manual for faculty and staff who work directly with student organizations Advising Student Groups and Organizations is a one-of-a-kind book that equips faculty members and administrators to competently and confidently serve as advisers to clubs and other student groups.

The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration

The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration is a comprehensive and thoughtful resource for the field, with expert insight on the issues facing student affairs and provides invaluable guidance to graduate students and professionals alike.

Select Titles

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