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Women in STEM Mentorship Program: Mentoring Resources

This guide is a collection of resources focused on mentorship and women in STEM.  It's not an exhaustive list.  I've also mainly included sources which can be read online, though there are a few print titles. 

If you would like to find more resources on a specific topic, suggest an item for this page, or suggest that the library acquire something related to this topic, please contact me using the info in the box on the right. 



Books and Articles about Mentorship

All sources below can be read online. 

Drew, D. E. (2011). Mentors and high expectations. In STEM the tide: Reforming science, technology, engineering, and math education in America (pp. 105–119). Johns Hopkins University Press. 

Irby, B. J. (2020). The Wiley international handbook of mentoring: Paradigms, practices, programs, and possibilities. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

Sanfey, H., Hollands, C., & Gantt, N. L. (2013). Strategies for building an effective mentoring relationship. The American Journal of Surgery, 206(5), 714–718.

Spiekermann, L., Lyons, M., & Lawrence, E. (2020). The ups and downs of mentoring relationship formation: What to expect. Children and Youth Services Review, 118, 105413.

Turner, C. S. (2015). Mentoring as transformative practice: Supporting student and faculty diversity. Jossey-Bass. 

STEM Mentorship Resources

All resources can be read online, except where noted.

Drew, D. E. (2011). Mentors and high expectations. In STEM the tide: Reforming science, technology, engineering, and math education in America (pp. 105–119). Johns Hopkins University Press.

Hogan, K. A., Krumper, J., McNeil, L. E., & Crimmins, M. T. (2016). Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching in Gateway Science Courses through a Mentor-Apprentice Model. In G. Weaver (Ed.), Transforming institutions: Undergraduate STEM education for the 21st century (pp. 77–89). Purdue University Press. 

Hund, A. K., Churchill, A. C., Faist, A. M., Havrilla, C. A., Stowell, S. M. L., McCreery, H. F., Ng, J., Pinzone, C. A., & Scordato, E. S. C. (2018). Transforming mentorship in STEM by training scientists to be better leaders. Ecology and Evolution, 8(20), 9962–9974.

Jackevicius, C. A., Le, J., Nazer, L., Hess, K., Wang, J., & Law, A. V. (2014). A Formal Mentorship Program for Faculty Development. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(5), 100.

Kruger, M. (2020). The development of women and young professionals in STEM careers: Tips and tricks. CRC Press, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group. Library Print Collection.

National Academies of Sciences, E. (2017). Undergraduate research experiences for STEM students: Successes, challenges, and opportunities. The National Academies Press.  Also in print in the library. 

Pritchard, P. A. (2015). Success strategies for women in STEM: A portable mentor. Academic Press. (Coming to the library soon!)

Tedrick, S. (2020). Women of color in tech: A blueprint for inspiring and mentoring the next generation of technology innovators. Wiley.

Cultural Awareness and STEM Mentorship

All resources can be read online, except where noted.

Books about Women in STEM (general)

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