The Library at the College of DuPage offers a variety of patron-centered computing facilities which are available during all hours of operation.
The Media Lab is a place where COD students can create and edit digital audio, video, and images.
Patrons can go to the Computing Support & Printing Services desk on the Library's lower level if they need immediate assistance with printers, copiers, microfilm readers, computers and installed software.
The Library has computers which are available for use by all patrons. All Library PC's run the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system and are connected to network printers and the Internet. A variety of software is available on Library computers. And all public PCs in the Library have CD/DVD drives.
Please familiarize yourself with the policies on the use of Library computers.
In order to prevent malware-ridden programs from compromising network-linked computers, installing new software applications is restricted by denying administrative privileges to regular users. If you need to execute a new program or download an update on a workstation, please seek assistance from Computing/Printing Support staff in the Library.
Laptop and webcams are available via the Student Laptop & Webcam Request form.
The Library offers the following software on all of its PC and laptop computers:
COD has created two public WiFi hotspots that do not require entering campus buildings. Learn more about locating these network access points.
Library users can access the Internet using the COD Public Wireless network. The network extends throughout the Library and can be accessed with wireless enabled computers. Computers should automatically connect to the Public Wireless Network when it has been detected.
Please note that student laptops checked-out from the Library are pre-configured to access the Internet without having to log in.
If you have any problems accessing or using the wireless network, please contact the Computer Support & Printing Services department.
Library print jobs are managed by SmartPrint, a web-based system that allows you to easily manage your print jobs in the Library and at COD.
Download detailed instructions here
Smart Print enables everyone to print from laptops, phones, or tablets on the go. To submit a print job, COD students and Faculty/Staff members need to email their documents to or from their COD accounts.
For community users, the recipients are the same. Community members just need to remember to send files from the personal e-mail address connected to your SmartPrint account.
All users can use the cash kiosk in the Library Print Center to add money to accounts using paper money and coins. The kiosk will not provide change. The minimum amount of fund that can be added using the cash kiosk is 5 cents.
The Library offers a pick up printing service for black and white and color documents. Students and personal SmartPrint users can upload their document using the Printing Request Form, and Library staff will print it and have it available for pickup at the Computing Support and Printing Services desk. You will receive an email notification once your print job is ready for pickup.
1. Prepare your document, save it to your computer, and close the document. Ensure that:
We can print most common document and image file formats.
2. Use the Printing Request Form to enter your information and upload the file.
Note: The document must be closed before you upload it.
3. Click Submit.
Please use a separate form for each file submission.
4. Once you have received an email that your print job is ready, come to the CSPS desk during our on campus hours to pick up your print job. Your document will be in an envelope with your name on it on the Grab and Go table at the scheduled pickup time.
Students can now place orders for affordable textbook printing from the College Copy Center. This service is available to those students who are provided with free textbooks and lab manuals by College of DuPage instructors. Your instructor will provide you with a PDF file or a link to the PDF file for you to download.
The Library has a high speed book scanner available to use for free. The scanner has a touch-and-view monitor. Users can scan documents to searchable PDF, JPEG, PNG, and RTF file formats and save their files on a USB flash drive or send them to e-mail or cloud storage services.
The Library has a high-resolution desktop microfilm reader to scan, print, or convert images from film rolls and microfiches.
The Library offers a variety of assistive technologies for our patrons with disabilities. Please refer to the Library's Accessible & Assistive Services page for a complete list of these resources.
Outgoing fax services are now available to students, employees and members of the community at the Computing Support & Printing Services Desk. There is currently no charge for this service. For assistance, stop by the Library or email