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Veterans Resources: Books

Call Number Ranges

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Books on the broad subject of military veterans can  be found in  the "U"  and "V" call number areas of the General Collection on the upper level, and the Reference Collection on the lower level, along with  other areas as well.  If one looks up books on particular wars, there will be books about veterans located there as well.

Some selected new books are highlighted here.

Use the Library Catalog to find books and videos about this topic.

One sample search might be something like:  Vietnam AND veteran*

The asterisks at the end of the word are truncation features, and allow you to pick up variations of the word:

veteran OR veterans      without having to type out separately all the variations of a word.

E-book databases     and     Online Video databases

Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to arrange its books on the shelves).

Want to know where specific collections are located?  Check out the maps of the Library's upper and lower floors.  

Selected New Books

The League of Wives

This book covers a little-known story -- the true story of the fierce band of women who battled Washington--and Hanoi--to bring their husbands home from the jungles of Vietnam. 

Invisible Veterans

Combining research with narrative, this book exposes common threads of lived experience and reviews the latest data on military women and their healthy reintegration into civilian society.  Through the stories of these courageous yet entirely human women, readers learn about the experiences of a new and often forgotten generation of veterans; about the challenges surrounding family and career choices that millions of American women face; and ultimately, about sacrifice, resiliency, loss, and love.

It Shouldn't Be This Hard to Serve Your Country

The former VA secretary describes his fight to save veteran health care from partisan politics and how his efforts were ultimately derailed by a small group of unelected officials.  In this uninhibited memoir, Shulkin opens up about why the government has long struggled to provide good medical care to military veterans and the plan he had to solve these problems.

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  • Last Updated: Jul 24, 2024 11:36 AM
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