You will want to download Zotero onto the computer you plan to use for research, using the browser you plan to use. Zotero works with either Chrome or Firefox.
There are two things to install, Zotero 6.0 and the Zotero Connector.
Zotero will now be ready to capture your items and work with Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
The above instructions allow Zotero to work with Microsoft Word that is installed on your computer. If you are using the online Office 365 version, you will need these special instructions to use Zotero and Word together.
Installing Zotero on Word through Office 365
1. Go to and download Zotero 6.0 for Windows
2. Open the desktop version of Word 365
3. To find Word’s STARTUP folder, from the ribbon menu select File -> Options -> Advanced -> General group -> File Locations. You should see a file type called Startup with a location next to it. Click on Startup and then the modify button to view the full location path.
Note: The default STARTUP folder directory for Word 365 is: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\START UP
4. Go to the directory where you installed Zotero. By default this will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero.
5. Go to the following directory within the Zotero folder: extensions\\install, and then copy the file called Zotero.dotm If you do not see Zotero.dotm in this directory, try the following directory: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Zotero\extensions\zotero\install
6. Paste the Zotero.dotm file into the Office 365 STARTUP folder.
7. Restart Word and you should now see Zotero in the ribbon menu.