Search the Library Catalog by clicking here to find books and videos available at the COD Library. Help Using the Library Catalog
General books on Archaeology can be found under the call number "CC" in both the General and Reference collections.
Some selected New Books can be found here, and a longer list can be found here.
Other books on specific archaeological sites or topics will be found under the call numbers for various locations, eras, and culture groups.
Use the Library Catalog to find these books using a Keyword search.
In the search box, use the word archaeolog* (with an asterisk there) as the first word,
then add in a second word for the location or group or topic, like this:
archaeolog* AND viking*
E-book databases and Online Video databases
Help Using the Library Catalog
Outline of the Library of Congress Classification System (what COD uses to arrange its books on the shelves).
Want to know where specific collections are located? Check out the maps of the Library's upper and lower floors.