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Library Resources for Faculty: Spaces

Reseach: Library Spaces & Students

Montgomery, S. E. (2014). Library Space Assessment: User Learning Behaviors in the Library. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 40(1), 70–75.

"Libraries have made more space available for users and their learning. The library is considered an informal learning space and there is growing interest to understand our users' learning needs in order for our space to satisfy them. The Olin Library administered a user survey to determine if a designated space met our users' social learning needs. We wanted to see if their social learning—i.e. user interaction, conversation and work collaboration, changed as a result of the renovation. Our students seek out this environment to satisfy their social learning needs and the floor's renovation continues to foster this need...The learning needs of library users are diverse. Our research revealed the diversity of our users' learning needs within a specific space in the building."


Stemmer, J. K., & Mahan, D. M. (2016). Investigating the Relationship of Library Usage to Student OutcomesCollege & Research Libraries77(3), 359–375. 

"As underclassmen students are adjusting to a new life and new responsibilities, the library’s role is largely place oriented. It provides a study space (whether individually or in groups) as well as technology access. How students use these, and the decisions they make adjusting to their new environment, largely determines whether the library has a positive or negative relationship with student outcomes...."

COD Library Learning Spaces

Want to know more about the different spaces that COD Library provides students?  One of the best descriptions of our library spaces is our Using the Library guide, which includes links to the following: 


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