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COD Library Model Guide: Cardiovascular System

Want to study models after hours or when the library is not open?  You can access detailed photos of models or watch short videos of our professors discussing many of the most important models for class at  the A&P Student Organization in Blackboard.  You can also watch this video that will show you how to enroll in the organization.  

3B Colored Cervical Skull

Colored Cervical Skull


Replica. This combination of the skull and top part of the spine make an ideal combination to show the way the skull and neck bones fit together. The four-part model, featuring colored bones, depicts the hindbrain, spinal cord, cervical nerves, vertebral arteries, basalar artery, and rear cerebral artery.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 3

Artery And Vein Model

Art and Vein


Shows a medium-sized muscular artery with two adjacent veins from the antebrachial area with adjoining fat tissue and muscle enlarged 14 times. The MICROanatomy™ circulatory system model illustrates the reciprocal anatomical relationship of artery and vein and the basic functional techniques of the venous valves (“valve function” and “muscle pump”). The left vein and the middle artery are fenestrated in the upper anterior segment, revealing the various layers of the wall structure in a cross and longitudinal section and in top view. The right vein is opened throughout in the anterior segment, revealing the orifice of a feeder vein and two venous valves, i.e. “flap valves” formed by a duplication of the tunica intima. On the rear of the artery and vein model, the relief of two veins is shown to illustrate the functional aspect of the venous valves.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available:1

Base Of The Head

Description: Anatomy model

Life size model dissectible into 2 parts. Shows the dura in proportion to the sinus dura mater, the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and arteries at the base of the brain.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 1

Circulatory System (Hubbard)

Circulatory System (Hubbard)


Includes a cutaway view of the interior of the heart, with a three-overlay transparency of the heart. Trace vessels throughout the body while viewing an enlarged cutaway section of a vein and an artery.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 1

Deluxe 24-Part Dual-Sex Torso

Deluxe 24-Part Dual-Sex Torso


This human dual-sex torso model has male and female organs for anatomical study, and dissembles into 24 parts for effective demonstration: three-part head, two-part stomach, female chest wall, two lungs, two-part heart, liver with gall bladder, four-part intestinal tract, front half of kidney. Can be checked out with four-part male genital insert, and/or female chest wall and three-part female genital insert with fetus.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 1

Deluxe Vascular Arm

Deluxe Vascular Arm


Life size model of the left arm and hand in a semi-flexed position with the brachial, radial and ulnar arteries and accompanying veins with their radicals in situ. The complete blood circulatory system of the hand is shown on both palmar and dorsal surfaces. Comparative sizes of the various blood vessels are clearly indicated and facilitate the study of the blood circulation in the arm.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 1

Heart Model

Anatomy Model Heart


Highly detailed 2-part heart. The front heart wall is detachable to reveal the chambers and valves inside the human heart.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 2

Heart Of America

Heart of America


Twice the size of a human adult heart, the model contains three hinged portals allow full access to heart chambers and valves, and portions of trachea and esophagus.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 4

Human Blood Cell Model

Human Blood Cell model


Enlarged 2000 times, this model shows the various types of blood cells, including red blood cells; white blood cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils) and blood platelets.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 1


Human Blood Circulation Model (Bloody Bill)

Human Blood Circulation Model (Bloody Bill)


Informally known as Bloody Bill, this 1/2 life-size relief model of the human circulatory system details the following anatomical structures:
The arterial/venous system
Partial skeleton

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 3




Oversized longitudinal section of right kidney and adrenal gland. Model highlights renal artery and vein, major and minor calyx, interlobular artery and vein, and ureter. Kidney model is enlarged to approximately three times the normal size.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 1

Kidney With Organs Of The Upper Abdomen

Kidney With Organs Of The Upper Abdomen


Depicts the anatomy of the human urinary system and digestive system. The upper abdominal organs are attached in their natural anatomical positions and are removable from the kidneys. The front half of the kidney is removable to reveal the renal pelvis, renal calices, renal cortex, and renal medulla. The upper abdomen shows the duodenum (partially opened), gallbladder (partially opened), bile ducts (opened), pancreas (revealing large ducts) and the spleen and surrounding vessels in natural size.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 1

Kidney, Nephron, And Glomerulus

Kidney, Nephron, And Glomerulus


The kidney is enlarged approx. 3 times. Frontal section seen from behind; pyramids of the kidney with their papillae entering the partly open pelvis. There is also an image of a nephron with its loop of Henle, and a representation of a kidney corpuscle.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 2

Liver And Gallbladder Model

Liver And Gallbladder Model


This liver with gallbladder model includes veins and arteries.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 2

Lung Microstructure Model

Lung Microstructure Model


Lung model with alveoli, brochni, trachea, artery, vein, and capillaries

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 2

Lymphatic System Model (Lymphatic Larry)

Lymphatic System Model (Lymphatic Larry)


Known as Lymphatic Larry, this model is 2/3 natural size and displays the lymphatic system. Mounted on a board

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 1




This model is approximately half life-size. It can be dismantled into:

  • 2-part head
  • Brain half
  • 2 lungs
  • 2-part heart
  • Stomach
  • Liver with gall bladder
  • 2-part intestine system

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 1

Muscular Arm

Muscular Arm


Scaled to 3/4 life-size, this vinyl plastic replica presents the muscles, nerves, tendons, blood vessels and bones of the left hand, wrist, arm and shoulder. Five superficial muscles can be individually detached to expose the more deeply lying muscles.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 7

Muscular Figure (30 Parts)

Muscular Figure (30 Parts)


A replica of the complete human muscular and organ anatomy. Covers the superficial and deeper muscles, tendons, ligaments, vessels and body structures. Internal organs are removable. 

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 2

Muscular Leg

Muscular Leg


This 3/4 size muscular leg model illustrates both the superficial and deeper muscles, eight of which are removable. Tendons, vessels, nerves and bone components of the left leg and foot are shown in detail.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:


Number available: 7

Pancreas And Spleen With Duodenum

Pancreas And Spleen With Duodenum


On the pancreas the pancreatic duct is shown up to its aperture; the duodenum is partly open. One-piece model.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 2

Right Kidney And Adrenal Gland

Right Kidney And Adrenal Gland


Natural size. The kidney separates into 2 halves, longitudinal section.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Number available: 2

Urinary System (Hubbard)

Urinary System (Hubbard)


This tray-type model includes colorful 3-D views of the kidneys, which are shown in detail, illustrating a magnified nephron. The dissected kidney is enlarged to illustrate the cortex, pyramid, calyx, and papilla.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 3

Urinary System Model

Urinary System Model


Urinary organs mounted on a board. Natural size.

Location:  Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)

Catalog URL:

Number available: 1

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  • Last Updated: Dec 19, 2023 10:59 AM
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