Replica. This combination of the skull and top part of the spine make an ideal combination to show the way the skull and neck bones fit together. The four-part model, featuring colored bones, depicts the hindbrain, spinal cord, cervical nerves, vertebral arteries, basalar artery, and rear cerebral artery.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 3
Life size model dissectible into 2 parts. Shows the dura in proportion to the sinus dura mater, the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and arteries at the base of the brain.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Brain model divides into 2 parts.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
Also known as Ventricular system of the human brain
This brain ventricles model represents both lateral ventricles, the 3rd and 4th ventricle, and the sylvian aquaduct.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
The model depicts a section through the central spiral of the cochlea and has been enlarged approximately 350 times. It shows the vestibular, cochlear, and tympanic ducts; Corti’s organ with hair cells and tectorial and basilar membranes; and spiral ganglia, nerves, and arteries of the ear.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number: 2
Enlarged approx. 7 times. The model shows the spinal cord in transverse section with spinal nerves and spinal ganglion, artery and vein of the cervical vertebra. In one piece. Also known as "Fifth Cervical Vertebra with Spinal Cord and Nerves."
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Enlarged approx. 5 times. The section through the spinal cord is enlarged approx. 10 times. Also known as "Origin of Nerves in the Spinal Canal."
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This human dual-sex torso model has male and female organs for anatomical study, and dissembles into 24 parts for effective demonstration: three-part head, two-part stomach, female chest wall, two lungs, two-part heart, liver with gall bladder, four-part intestinal tract, front half of kidney. Can be checked out with four-part male genital insert, and/or female chest wall and three-part female genital insert with fetus.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
This is a one-piece, life-size model showing the outer ear, ear canal, and inner ear mechanisms including ossicles, cochlea, nerve, and eustachian tube.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
This tray-based model of the complete human ear incorporates a removable eardrum, semicircular canals, and cochlea.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
This three-piece anatomical model clearly illustrates details of the eye with three removable pieces: the body of the eye, the lens and a multi-colored transparent cover which depicts the venation, sclera and cornea. A seperate diagram panel also shows components of the retina.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
This spine is fully flexible and contains a full pelvis and occipital plate, fully flexible mounting in spine, L3-L4 disc prolapsed on spine, spinal nerve exits, cervical vertebral artery, and a male pelvis.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
Enlarged approximately 3 times. Tympanic membrane with malleus, incus and labyrinth with stapes can be removed.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
This model is 6 times life-size and dissectible into eight parts. The eyeball sits in its bony socket to provide a better understanding of its relationship with major blood vessels, muscles and nerves. All six muscles of movement can be seen and the upper half of the eyeball with its lacrimal (tear) gland lifts off. Present and extractable are the superior and lateral rectus muscles, the iris and cornea, which can be removed as a unit, the Lucite lens, which actually magnifies and inverts images, and the transparent vitreous body, which exposes the fovea centralis on the retina. The choroid coat, retina, and optic disk can also be seen, as well as a schematic cross section through retinal layers.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
6 times life-size, this replica can be divided into 5 parts and contains has the cornea, through which the iris and pupil are visible, the large lacrimal (tear) gland, attachments for all six muscles that move the eyeball, the optic nerve, and surrounding blood vessels. The eyeball divides in half to study the interior. The iris/cornea can be removed as can the functional lens, which magnifies and forms inverted images. The transparent vitreous body exposes the choroid coat and retina. Rods, cones, and other retinal microstructures are detailed.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
Life-size model showing the outer, superficial and internal structures of the head and neck. This model is sectioned along the sagittal plane to show the blood vessels and nerve branches of the face and scalp. Important structures such as the parotid and submandibular glands, pharynx, upper respiratory tract, and cervical vertebrae are also shown.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
This half head represents the human head and neck down to the level of the clavicle. Surface muscles and blood vessels are depicted on one side, while the other shows the median section through the interior.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
Also known as Nervous Ned, this nervous system relief model shows a schematic representation of the central and peripheral nervous system. This nervous system model is 1/2 life size.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
Known locally as Spinal Sally, this model is seen from the ventral side, natural size. The model shows the brainstem and the spinal cord as well as the nerve branches up to the coccygeal plexus. On the left side the sympathetic trunk with its connections to the central nervous system are shown. Model in one piece.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
This muscle torso shows the deep and superficial muscles in great anatomical detail. The following parts can be removed from the muscle torso for detailed studies of human anatomy and muscular system:
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This model of the inner ear is enlarged approx. 18 times. The superior semicircular canal and vestibule open showing the saccule and utricle. Cochlea separates along its longitudinal axis.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
This relief model shows includes bones, muscle, brain, and larynx.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This model is approximately half life-size. It can be dismantled into:
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
Scaled to 3/4 life-size, this vinyl plastic replica presents the muscles, nerves, tendons, blood vessels and bones of the left hand, wrist, arm and shoulder. Five superficial muscles can be individually detached to expose the more deeply lying muscles.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 7
A replica of the complete human muscular and organ anatomy. Covers the superficial and deeper muscles, tendons, ligaments, vessels and body structures. Internal organs are removable.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
This 3/4 size muscular leg model illustrates both the superficial and deeper muscles, eight of which are removable. Tendons, vessels, nerves and bone components of the left leg and foot are shown in detail.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 7
The structure of the central and peripheral nervous systems are illustrated and a close examination of the human brain is included. Diagrams illustrate the location of the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, dendrites, axons, and synapses.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This nerve cell model is enlarged approximately 2500 times. The model has two sections: the perikaryon cut open to expose the nucleus of the cell, neurite cone, dendrites and flexible synaptic terminals; and the peripheral nerve with sheaths, including the Schwann cell with nucleus, the Schwann sheath, the neuraxon and mitochondria.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
Enlarged approx. 2500 times, this model consists of the nerve cell body and medullated nerve fibre. In electron microscope enlargement. Separates into 3 parts. Removable from base.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This model shows the sensory, neural and motor elements of a somatic reflex arc.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Oversized normal eye model with cut-away to show inner anatomy, including optic nerve, disc, macula, retina, central retinal artery and vein. Lens and cornea are removable.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
Enlarged approx. 70 times. Shows the following a) scalp with hair, b) axilla, c) the hairless skin of the sole of the foot.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This free-standing model depicts the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. It includes nervous tissue, muscle, hair, and capillaries and veins.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
A cross-sectional enlargement of the human skin illustrates the skin layers, hair follicles, sweat glands, nerve endings, blood vessels, and more.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
6 times life-size, this model replicates a segment of the upper thoracic spinal cord. Sectioned both longitudinally and in cross section, a portion of white matter of the right half has been cut away to expose the anterior and posterior nerve roots. Depicts spinal artery. Color-coding differentiates them and a color-keyed circuitry schematic is mounted along with the model.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
This striated muscle fiber model is magnified some 10,000 times. The model reproduces a single striated muscle fiber — the basic unit of all skeletal muscles — along with its neuromuscular junction or motor end plate
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
Synapse model includes neuro-tubules, neuro-filaments, synaptic vesicles and the postsynaptic apparatus with membrane structure.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1