This human dual-sex torso model has male and female organs for anatomical study, and dissembles into 24 parts for effective demonstration: three-part head, two-part stomach, female chest wall, two lungs, two-part heart, liver with gall bladder, four-part intestinal tract, front half of kidney. Can be checked out with four-part male genital insert, and/or female chest wall and three-part female genital insert with fetus.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
The digestive system is shown with details of the mouth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines. Includes enlargements of the stomach and intestines.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 3
This model shows:
One front half of a kidney is removable from the anatomical model of the urinary system. Features easy to change male insert (bladder and prostate, front and rear half) and female insert (bladder, womb and ovaries, 2 lateral halves).
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Life-size model showing the outer, superficial and internal structures of the head and neck. This model is sectioned along the sagittal plane to show the blood vessels and nerve branches of the face and scalp. Important structures such as the parotid and submandibular glands, pharynx, upper respiratory tract, and cervical vertebrae are also shown.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
This half head represents the human head and neck down to the level of the clavicle. Surface muscles and blood vessels are depicted on one side, while the other shows the median section through the interior.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 2
This muscle torso shows the deep and superficial muscles in great anatomical detail. The following parts can be removed from the muscle torso for detailed studies of human anatomy and muscular system:
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Depicts the anatomy of the human urinary system and digestive system. The upper abdominal organs are attached in their natural anatomical positions and are removable from the kidneys. The front half of the kidney is removable to reveal the renal pelvis, renal calices, renal cortex, and renal medulla. The upper abdomen shows the duodenum (partially opened), gallbladder (partially opened), bile ducts (opened), pancreas (revealing large ducts) and the spleen and surrounding vessels in natural size.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
The kidney is enlarged approx. 3 times. Frontal section seen from behind; pyramids of the kidney with their papillae entering the partly open pelvis. There is also an image of a nephron with its loop of Henle, and a representation of a kidney corpuscle.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
Natural size. Larynx: cartilages, ligaments, muscles, relief of mucous membrane and thyroid gland are shown. Tongue: the front part of the lower jaw detachable, separates into 2 parts, median section. Sublingual gland and submandibular gland are shown. Model separates altogether into 5 parts.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
This relief model shows includes bones, muscle, brain, and larynx.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This 2-part 3B MICROanatomy™ Liver model shows a highly magnified diagrammatic view of a section of the liver. The 3B MICROanatomy™ Liver illustrates the structure of the functional and structural components of the liver in two different enlargements. The left part of the model shows a section of the liver that comprises several liver lobules. The right part of the model is a highly magnified view of the sectioned liver lobule on the left. The left part and right part of the 3B MICROanatomy™ Liver are magnified 60-times and 200-times respectively.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This model is approximately half life-size. It can be dismantled into:
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
A replica of the complete human muscular and organ anatomy. Covers the superficial and deeper muscles, tendons, ligaments, vessels and body structures. Internal organs are removable.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
On the pancreas the pancreatic duct is shown up to its aperture; the duodenum is partly open. One-piece model.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
Natural size,showing the longitudinal and circular muscle layers. Opens to show the cardia and pylorus, the relief of the mucous membrane and the gastric canal as well as the stomach wall in section. Network of arteries and nerves and the position of the peritoneum are shown. Model separates into 2 parts, on a stand with green base.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
The composition of teeth is easily illustrated with this three-dimensional model. A side view of upper and lower teeth makes this a ''three models in one'' teaching tool.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
This tooth is the lateral incisor. It separates into halves to show internal features.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1