This human dual-sex torso model has male and female organs for anatomical study, and dissembles into 24 parts for effective demonstration: three-part head, two-part stomach, female chest wall, two lungs, two-part heart, liver with gall bladder, four-part intestinal tract, front half of kidney. Can be checked out with four-part male genital insert, and/or female chest wall and three-part female genital insert with fetus.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
This model shows:
One front half of a kidney is removable from the anatomical model of the urinary system. Features easy to change male insert (bladder and prostate, front and rear half) and female insert (bladder, womb and ovaries, 2 lateral halves).
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Female Genital Insert with Fetus (and chest wall) can be divided into 3 parts. Includes female chest wall. Can be used with Deluxe 24-part Dual-Sex Torso
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
This female pelvis is in median section. This female anatomy model shows one half of the female genital organs with bladder and removable rectum.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Detailed lateral section of the lower female torso shows partially sectioned organs and a magnified cross-section of the ovum.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 3
This muscle torso shows the deep and superficial muscles in great anatomical detail. The following parts can be removed from the muscle torso for detailed studies of human anatomy and muscular system:
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Oversized longitudinal section of right kidney and adrenal gland. Model highlights renal artery and vein, major and minor calyx, interlobular artery and vein, and ureter. Kidney model is enlarged to approximately three times the normal size.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
The model focuses on the site of filtration to help make the function of the kidney more understandable. Enlarged approximately 700X, the model enhances microscope slide images by providing a three dimensional, detailed rendering of the kidney section showing the arterioles, capillaries, and capsular epithelium. The tubule cross sections surrounding the capsule include the thick and thin limbs of Henle’s loop, proximal and distal convolutions, and the collecting tubule.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
Depicts the anatomy of the human urinary system and digestive system. The upper abdominal organs are attached in their natural anatomical positions and are removable from the kidneys. The front half of the kidney is removable to reveal the renal pelvis, renal calices, renal cortex, and renal medulla. The upper abdomen shows the duodenum (partially opened), gallbladder (partially opened), bile ducts (opened), pancreas (revealing large ducts) and the spleen and surrounding vessels in natural size.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
The kidney is enlarged approx. 3 times. Frontal section seen from behind; pyramids of the kidney with their papillae entering the partly open pelvis. There is also an image of a nephron with its loop of Henle, and a representation of a kidney corpuscle.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
Divides into 4 parts. Can be used with Deluxe 24-part Dual-Sex Torso
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
The male pelvis anatomy model is shown in median section. One half of male genital organs with bladder is shown at the normal position in the male pelvis. The rectum is removable for a more detailed study of the male pelvic anatomy.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
Model depicts all male reproductive organs in relationship to one another, as well as a magnified section of the sperm
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 3
This model is approximately half life-size. It can be dismantled into:
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
A replica of the complete human muscular and organ anatomy. Covers the superficial and deeper muscles, tendons, ligaments, vessels and body structures. Internal organs are removable.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
This model shows the sensory, neural and motor elements of a somatic reflex arc.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1
The detailed, 200X model will help students visualize how the kidney removes waste from blood with the vivid depiction of its various features: a series of renal corpuscles and associated vessels and tubules down to the papillary duct of the renal papilla. Shown in detail are the capillary beds, which are related to arterial and venous circulation, along with the nephron structures including the arcuate and interlobular arteries and veins. The various brilliant colors, designed to match the coloring of Glomerulus and Sections of Tubules Model, highlight the arterioles, venules, ascending and descending limbs of Henle’s loop, distal and proximal convoluted tubules, and the collecting tubule.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 1
Natural size. The kidney separates into 2 halves, longitudinal section.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Number available: 2
This tray-type model includes colorful 3-D views of the kidneys, which are shown in detail, illustrating a magnified nephron. The dissected kidney is enlarged to illustrate the cortex, pyramid, calyx, and papilla.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 3
Urinary organs mounted on a board. Natural size.
Location: Main Circulation Desk (SRC, Library, 2nd Floor)
Catalog URL:
Number available: 1