Residents of District 502 who are 18 years of age or older may obtain a COD Library card. Please use this form to request a new Library card or a Library card renewal. For new cards, a barcode number will be emailed to you as soon as Circulation staff processes your request and a physical Library card will be mailed to your home address. Please allow two working days for processing of all requests. District Resident cards are active for one year.
Library barcodes are necessary to sign in to your Library account and for in-person checkouts. You will need to present a valid Driver's License or State ID, or provide a photo ID and proof of present address. the first time you come to check out at the Library. Please contact Circulation Services at (630) 942-2106 or contact us online with questions about your card.
Acceptable forms for proof of residency in C.O.D. District 502 include any of the following as long as they are current and contain your current address:
- Illinois driver's license
- Car registration
- Bill for car insurance
- Renter's or homeowner's insurance bill
- Lease
- Copy of income tax return (IL or US)
- Tax bill
- Voting receipt
- Other notices from the Board of Elections if dated & addressed
When your Library card request is processed, Library staff create an Overdrive account for you if you do not already have one. This may take an additional day to process. Learn more about Overdrive!