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Human Services: Home



This guide will list some of the resources available at the COD Library that you can use to find information when doing research on Human Services or Social Work topics. A list of various topics can be found below.

What is Human Services?

COD Human Services  Academic Program

COD Counseling Help

Over on the right are some other research tools that you can use to find information.

Be sure to ask for help at the Reference desks if you have questions or problems.

College Success Skills


Abortion in the United States:  A Reference Handbook.   General  HQ 767.5 .U 5 M 3727 2018

Birth Control:  A Reference Handbook.   General  HQ 763 .N  498 2020

Birth Control:  Your Questions Answered

Encyclopedia of Abortion in the United States.

Encyclopedia of Birth Control.  Reference HQ 766 .E 52 2001

Encyclopedia of Motherhood.  Reference HQ 759 .E 52 2010

Historical and Multicultural Encyclopedia of Women's Reproductive Rights in the U.S.    General  HQ 766.5 .U 5 H 57 2002

List of COD Library books on Abortion

List of COD Library videos on Abortion

Abortion:  A Documentary and Reference Guide.   General  HQ 76.5 .U 5 R 66 2008

The Abortion Controversy:  A Documentary History.   General  KF 3771 .A 7 A 26 1994

Abortion:  Current Controversies.   General  HQ 767.5 .U 5 A 222 2015

Abortion Decisions of the Supreme Court, 1789 through 1989:  A Comprehensive Review with Historical Commentary.   General  KF 3771 .A 7 D 78 1990

Before Roe v. Wade:  Voices that Shaped the Abortion Debate before the Supreme Court's Ruling.  General  KF 3771 .G 74 2012

Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court Decision, 2022  (overturning Roe v. Wade)

The Ethics of Abortion:  At Issue.   General  HQ 767.15 .E 48 2005

Federal Abortion Politics:  A Documentary History.   General  KF 3771 .F 43 1995

Reproductive RightsAt Issue.   General  HQ 766.6 .U 5 R 475 2018

Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision, 1973

List of Case Studies on Abortion

Addictions and Substance Abuse

Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

Addiction: A Reference Encyclopedia. Reference HV 5825 .P 26 2010

Alcohol and Drugs in North America: A Historical Encyclopedia

Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History: An Encyclopedia. 

Alcoholism Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information. General RC 565 .A 4493 

Cambridge Handbook of Violent Behavior and Aggression.

Cultural Encyclopedia of LSD. Reference HV 5822 .L 9 G 53 2011

Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed., (DSM-V) Downstairs Reference Desk RC 455.2 .C 4 D 54 2013.

Dictionary of Hallucinations. Reference RC 553 .H 3 B 56 2010

Drug Abuse Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information. General HV 5801 .D 724

Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco : Learning about Addictive Behavior. Reference HV 5804 .D 78 2003

Eating Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.

Encyclopedia of Addictions. Reference RC 563.4 .H 65 2009

Encyclopedia of Addictions and Addictive Behaviors

Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Social Issues. 

Encyclopedia of Depression. 

Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence. Reference HV 6626 .E 534 2007

Encyclopedia of Drug Policy.

Encyclopedia of Family Health

Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior.

Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence Reference HM 1121 .E 57 2008

Encyclopedia of Motherhood.  Reference HQ 759 .E 52 2010

Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. Reference RC 552 .P 67 E 53 2008

Encyclopedia of Psychology. Reference BF31 .E52 2000

Encyclopedia of Smoking and Tobacco. General HV 5760 .H 57 1999

Encyclopedia of Social Problems. Reference HN 28 .E55 2008

Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery. Ref. RC 563.4 .E 53 2009

Encyclopedia of Women's Health.

Key Concepts in Drugs and Society. Reference HV 5801 .K 393 2013

Key Concepts in Substance Misuse. Reference HV 4998 .P 93 2015

SAGE Encyclopedia of Alcohol

Social Issues in America: An Encyclopedia. Reference HN 57 .S 624 2006

Smoking Concerns Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information. General RA 1242 .T 6 S 589

Statistical Abstract of the United States. Latest edition on Ready Reference, older editions at General HA 202 .U 5 S 93.

Tobacco in History and Culture: An Encyclopedia. Reference GT 3020 .T 594 2005

Weedopedia:  An A to Z Guide to all Things Marijuana

List of COD databases to use for finding Statistics

Drug Policy - Defining Documents.  Reference  HV 5825 .D 77675 2020

Drug Use and Abuse:  Opinions Throughout History.  Reference  HV  5825 .I 885 2018

Drugs in America:  A Documentary History.   General  HV 4999.2 .D 78 2002

Foundations of Addiction Studies (an Open Access online textbook by Profs. Jason Florin and Julie Trytek)

List of Case Studies on Addictions or Substance Abuse

Aging and Social Gerontology

COD Library Research Guide on Health and Society

COD Library Research Guide on Lifespan Development

COD Library Research Guide on Long Term Care Administration

Background Readings
Aging and the Aged
Current Controversies: Assisted Suicide. General R 726 .A 8533 2012
Current controversies: The Elderly. General HQ 1064 .U 5 E 39653 2011
Elder Abuse
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Opposing Viewpoints: The Aging Population. General HQ 1061 .A 4298 2014
Old Age
Senior Citizen Issues
Social Gerontology
Social Services for Seniors
The Sociology of Aging

Aging statistics
Aging in America. (more statistics) Reference HQ 1060 .A 333 2014
Cambridge Handbook of Age and Aging Reference HQ 1061 .C315 2005
Death and Dying Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information. General R 726.8 .D 3785
Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging. Reference HQ 799.95 .E 53 2016

Encyclopedia of Ageism   Reference HQ 1061 .E 63 2005

Encyclopedia of Aging: A Comprehensive Resource in Gerontology and Geriatrics 
Encyclopedia of Aging and Public Health
Encyclopedia of Elder Care
Encyclopedia of Gerontology. Reference RC 952.5 .E58 2007

Encyclopedia of Health and Aging
Gale Encyclopedia of Senior Health

Gerontology:  The Basics.   General HQ 1061 .S 3135 2018
Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences
Key Concepts in Social Gerontology.
 Reference HQ 1061 .P 415 2010

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Psychology and Aging

The Oxford Handbook of Social Work in Health and Aging

List of Case Studies on Aging or  Social  Gerontology

List of COD databases for finding Statistics

Cannabis and Marijuana

What is Market Research?

Quality research reports can be found in these databases below.  Their advanced search screens allow you to restrict your search to just market research reports. 


Business Start-Up Issues

Business Plan

Laws Affecting a Small Business

Missions and Mission Statements

Starting a Business Research Guide


The Business of Cannabis:  New Policies for the New Marijuana Industry.  General  HD 9019 .M 382 U 378 2018  

Cannabis Jobs:  How to Make a Living and Have a Career in the World of  Legalized Marijuana.  CCIC  HD 9019 .M 382 U 6774 2019

CannaBiz:  Big Business  Opportunities in the New Multibillion Dollar Marijuana Industry. 

Start Your Own Cannabis Business : Your Step-by-Step Guide to the Marijuana Industry.   General  HD 9019 .M 382 U 677 2018

Starting and Running a Marijuana Business.  General  HD 9019 .M 38 G 65 2017


Horticulture Research Guide

COD Horticulture Academic Program


Craft Weed:  Family Farming and the Future of the Marijuana Industry.   General  SB 295 .S 742 2018

Growing Marijuana:  A Comprehensive Guide.   General  SB 295 .C 35 G 674 2019

Marijuana Hydroponics:  High-Tech Water Culture.

What's Wrong with My Marijuana Plant:  A Cannabis Grower's Visual Guide to Easy Diagnoses and Organic Remedies.  General  SB 608 .C 28 D 43 2017

Drug Policy

Drugs and the Criminal Justice System

Legal Control of Harmful Substances

Recreational Marijuana: Pro and Con

Was Marijuana Criminalized to Protect Public Health and Safety?


Cannabis:  The Illegalization of Weed in America.  General  HV 5822 .M 3 B 74 2019

Encyclopedia of Drug Policy

Grass Roots:  The Rise and Fall of Marijuana in America.   General  HV 5822 .M 3 D 848 2017

Legal Marijuana:  Perspectives on Public Benefits, Risks and Policy Approaches.  General  HV 5822 .M 3 L 35 2018

Where There's Smoke:  The Environmental Science, Public Policy, and Politics of Marijuana.   General  HV 5822 .C 3 W 494 2018

Disabilities and Rehabilitation

Disabilities Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information. General HV 1553 .D 544
Disability in American Life : An Encyclopedia of Concepts, Policies, and Controversies

Disability:  The Basics.   General  HV 1568 .S 435 2018
Encyclopedia of American Disability History
Encyclopedia of Disability Reference HV 1568 .E 528 2006
Movement Disorders Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information. General RC 376.5 .M 693
Pain Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information. General RB 127 .P 332123
SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia.
SAGE Reference Series on Disability.
.....Arts and Humanities.
….Assistive Technology and Science.
.....Disability Through the Life Course.
.....Employment and Work.
.....Ethics, Law, and Policy.
.....Health and Medicine.
.....Rehabilitation Interventions.

Domestic Violence / Child Abuse / Rape

Ethics and Morality

Ethics library research guide
Background Readings

Code of Ethics, from the National Association of Social Workers
Code of Ethics in Health Care Management

Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals, from the National Organization for Human Services
Ethics and Disabilities
Health Care Fraud
Professional Dissonance

Professional  Ethics
Social Work and Bioethics

Overcoming Personal Biases in Social Work (e-video)

Culture, Values and Ethics in Social  Work:  Embracing Diversity.
Ethics in Social Work: A Context of Caring
Practical Social Work Ethics: Complex Dilemmas within Applied Social Care.   General HV10.5 .P 693 2013
Social Work Values and Ethics   General HV10.5 .R 427 2013
More social work ethics books can be found in the General collection at call number HV 10.5


General Call Number Area: HV 4505
Background Readings


Violence Against the Homeless

American Homelessness: A Reference Handbook. General HV 4505 .H 647 2001
Current Controversies:  Poverty and Homelessness.  General  HV 4505 .P 6792 2014
Homelessness: A Documentary and Reference Guide. General HV 4504 .S 58 2012
Homelessness in America:  A Reference Handbook.   General  HV  4504 .W 3244 2022
Homelessness:  Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases.  Reference  HV 4493 .H 664 2008
Modern Homelessness: A Reference Handbook. General HV 4493 .H 63 2011
Opposing Viewpoints: Homelessness. General HV 4505 .H 65528 2012
Our Runaway and Homeless Youth : A Guide to Understanding. General HV 1431 .S 54 2004

List of Case Studies on Homelessness

Human Trafficking

An Atlas of Trafficking in Southeast Asia : The Illegal Trade in Arms, Drugs, People, Counterfeit Goods and Natural Resources in Mainland Southeast Asia. Reference G 8001 .Q 3 A 85 2013

At Issue:  Slavery Today.  General  HT 867 .S53 2010

Current Controversies:  Human Trafficking.  General  HQ 281 .H 832 2013
Geography of Trafficking: From Drug Smuggling to Modern-Day Slavery.

Global Issues:  Human Trafficking.  General  HQ 281 .C 85 2009

Human Trafficking: A Reference Handbook. General HQ 281 .A 759 2017

List of Case Studies on Human Trafficking

Hunger and Food Security

Veterans Counseling Program

Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

African Americans at War:  An Encyclopedia.   Reference  U 52 .S 88 2004

American Military Life in the 21st Century : Social, Cultural, and Economic Issues and Trends.

Daily Life of U.S. Soldiers: From the American Revolution to the Iraq War. 

Encyclopedia Britannica

Encyclopedia of American Women at War.

Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence.  Reference HV 6626 .E 534 2007

Encyclopedia of Prisoners of War and Internment.

Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma.  Reference  RC 552 .P 67 E 53 2008

Encyclopedia of the Veteran in America.  Reference  UB 357 .E 53 2009

Encyclopedia of Trauma.   Reference  RC 552 .P 67 E 534 2012

Encyclopedia of War.   Reference  U 27 .E 48 2012

Encyclopedia of War and American Society.

Encyclopedia of Youth and War.  Reference  HQ 784 .W 3 S 54 2000

Handbook of Military Social Work.

The Literature of War.   Reference  PN 56 .W 3 L 55 2012

Pew Research Center - articles and statistics on Veterans

Sage Encyclopedia of War:  Social Science Perspectives.

U.S. Census - Veterans Statistics

You can find many other dictionaries and encyclopedias for specific wars listed in our Library Catalog.  You can ask for assistance at the two Library Reference Desks in finding these items.

List of COD databases for finding Statistics

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