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Political Science: Websites


COD Political Science Academic Program

COD Global Education and Study Abroad Academic Programs

COD VOTES - a non-partisan organization of College of DuPage students, staff, faculty, and community members working to increase nonpartisan civic learning and engagement in the democratic process.

Elected Officials Contact Information

Almanac of Policy Issues

American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

American Political Science Association (APSA)
The Anarchy Archives. From Pitzer College
The Brennan Center for Justice (New York University School of Law). Covers justice issues worldwide.

Cato Institute
Center for Public Integrity. A nonpartisan journalism organization that reviews political abuses of power.
Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA)
Council on Foreign Relations. Independent, non-partisan think tank covering issues worldwide.
Economic Freedom of the World Report. Report uses data to measure economic freedom in 141 nations.
Foreign Affairs Online. A University of Virginia website covering international relations and U.S. foreign policy.
H-Borderlands. Discusses issues regarding the U.S./Mexico border, as well as borderlands worldwide.

The Heartland Institute

The Heritage Foundation

Illinois Political Science Association (IPSA)

Latino Policy Forum

Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)

Policy Commons:  Global Think Tanks   Free information from many research think tanks.
World Concern Institute. Democracy rankings for 150 of the largest nations in the world.
World Values Survey. Research project that examines people's values and beliefs throughout the world.

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