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Political Science: Home


This guide will list some of the resources available at the COD Library that you can use to find information when doing research on Political Science / Governmental topics. A list of various topics can be found below.

What is Political Science?

COD Political Science Academic Program                        

Over on the right are some other research tools that you can use to find information.

Be sure to ASK FOR HELP at the Reference desks if you have questions or problems.

COD VOTES - a non-partisan organization of College of DuPage students, staff, faculty, and community members working to increase nonpartisan civic learning and engagement in the democratic process.

National Voter Registration Day

COD Counseling Help

College Success Skills

GUIDE TO THE ATTACK ON THE U.S. CAPITOL, from the University of California at San Diego

American (U.S.) Politics and Government

America Votes. General JK 1967 .A8, numerous holdings by date
American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia. Reference JA 84 . U5 A 44 2006
American Political Culture: An Encyclopedia.
Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia
Covering American Politics in the 21st Century : An Encyclopedia of News Media Titans, Trends, and Controversies.
CQ's Politics in America. General JK 1012 .C6412 .
Dictionary of American Government and Politics
Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy
Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics
Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America. Reference JC 599 .U 5 E 53 2005

Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections

Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories
Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Social Issues
Encyclopedia of Right-Wing Extremism in Modern American History
Encyclopedia of the American Left. Reference HX 86 .E58 1998

Encyclopedia of the American Presidency
Encyclopedia of the Continental Congresses. Reference E 303 .G 76 2015 and ebook
Encyclopedia of the United States Congress
Encyclopedia of U.S. National Security
Encyclopedia of Water Politics and Policy in the United States.
Encyclopedia of Women and American Politics.
Federal Agency Profiles for Students. Reference JK 421 .F 42 1999
From Suffrage to the Senate: America's Political Women, An Encyclopedia of Leaders, Causes and Issues
A Glossary of Terms used in the Federal Budgetary Process 
Guide to Radical Politics in the United States.
GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations
A Historical Guide to the U.S. Government [agencies and departments]. Reference JK 9 .H57 1998
A History of the U.S. Political System: Ideas, Interests, and Institutions
Latinos in the American Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos As Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders
Major Acts of Congress. Reference KF 154 .M 35 2004
Money in American Politics: An Encyclopedia

The Powers of the U.S. Congress: Where Constitutional Authority Begins and Ends.

The Presidency in Times of Crisis and Disaster:  Primary Documents in Context
Presidential Administration Profiles for Students. Reference JK 511 .P78 2000

The Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History
Religion and Politics in America: An Encyclopedia of Church and State.

The Religious Right and American  Politics
Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the Congressional Research Service. also PN 6081 .R435 1989
Revolts, Protests, Demonstrations and Rebellions in American History: An Encyclopedia
Statistical Abstract of the United States - older editions in General HA 202 .U5 S93
United States Code Service [U.S. laws] and Reference KF 62.1972 .L38

Women in the American Political System:  An Encyclopedia of Women as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders State statistics from the U.S. Census.
Center for Public Integrity. A nonpartisan journalism organization that reviews political abuses of power. Legislative Information on the Internet. Full-text of House and Senate bills, Congressional Record, and daily proceedings on the House and Senate floors.
Congressional Research Service. Non-confidential Congressional publications collected by the Federation of American Scientists. A project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center which monitors the accuracy of politicians' reported statements.
Federal Judiciary. Includes directory of courts in the United States as well as judicial rules of practice..
The First Amendment Center. A Vanderbilt University website that discusses the First Amendment.
Foreign Policy Research Institute. Information on foreign policies that advance U.S. interests.
Government Accountability Office. The GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars.

Guide to Federal Tax and Finance Information
H-Borderlands. Discusses issues regarding the U.S./Mexico border, as well as borderlands worldwide.
Heartland Institute. Think tank which examines public policy issues and their solutions.
How Our Federal Laws Are Enacted
How Our Federal Laws Are Made

Latino Policy Forum

LGBTQ Pride Month Nonpartisan group that researches campaign contributions at all levels of government.
National Institute on Money in State Politics. Nonpartisan list of contributions to political campaigns.
National Governors Association. Information about governors in every state.
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). A directory of NGO's compiled from a variety of sites. Covers federal campaign contributions and lobbying data.
Overseas Loans and Grants. Historical record of worldwide financial aid provided by the United States. Election resources on parties, candidates, ideological positions and issues at both the national and state level.
Presidential Speeches. The Scripps Library collection of transcripts (some with audio) of famous presidential speeches.
Public Agenda. Non-partisan reporting on public policy issues.
The Rand Corporation. A highly-respected California think-tank that provides expert analysis of a variety of government problems and operations.
Real Clear Politics. Independent political website covering historical and current elections.
Rootstrikers. Formerly, this advocacy group publicizes where PAC money goes.
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senate
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. President. Website of the Office of the President and related government entities. The main gateway to U.S. government web sites and online information. Find out where tax dollars are distributed.


Conspiracy Theories
Political Assassinations
Presidential Assassinations
U.S. Executive Order against Assassinations

Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

The Concise Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History
Conspiracy Encyclopedia. Reference HV 6275 .C 66 2005
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
Encyclopedia of American Political History. Reference E 183 .E 48 2001
Encyclopedia of Assassinations Reference HV 6278 .S 54 2001

Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories
Encyclopedia of U.S. National Security
Killing the President : Assassinations, Attempts, and Rumored Attempts on U.S. Commanders-in-Chief. General E 176.1 .O 45 2010
National Trauma and Collective Memory: Major Events in the American Century. General E 741 .N 43 1998




Intelligence and Espionage



Overview of the Assassination of President Kennedy, Friday, November 22, 1963.

Background Readings

Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia

Dealy Plaza, Dallas, Texas

Funeral for President Kennedy

Jack Ruby
Lee Harvey Oswald
Texas School Book Depository in Dallas,Texas

Warren Commission
Warren Commission Report

Zapruder Film

Reference Books
Day by Day: The Sixties. Reference D 427 .D 3 1960/69
Encyclopedia of the JFK Assassination. General E 842.9 .B 45 2002
Encyclopedia of the Kennedys : The People and Events that Shaped America.  Reference E 841 .S 527 2012
Encyclopedia of the Sixties: A Decade of Culture and Counter-Culture. 
Historical Dictionary of the Kennedy-Johnson Era.
Reference E 841 .B 85 2007
Historical Dictionary of the 1960s.   Reference E 841 .H 58 1999

Primary Government Documents
The Warren Report: Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
General E 842.9 .A 55 1964
Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Hearings before the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. General E 842.9 .A 54 1964.
Assassinations Records Review Board Report. General E 842.9 .U 56 1998

List of COD Library books on the JFK assassination
List of COD Library books on Conspiracies about the Assassination
List of COD Library videos about the Assassination

JFK Assassination Records Collection, U.S. National Archives
JFK Gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza

The Zapruder Film

Overview of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jun3 4, 1968
The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles background reading
Sirhan B. Sirhan background reading

Reference Books
Day by Day: The Sixties. Reference D 427 .D 3 1960/69
Encyclopedia of the Kennedys : The People and Events that Shaped America. Reference E 841 .S 527 2012
Encyclopedia of the Sixties.
Historical Dictionary of the 1960s. Reference E 841 .H 58 1999

List of COD Library books on Robert F. Kennedy
List of COD Library books on the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

Censorship and Free Speech

Attacks on the American Press:  A Documentary and Reference Guide

Campus Free Speech:  A Reference Handbook.   Reference  KF  4155.5 .H 36 2023

Censored and Banned Literature:  Critical Insights to Literature.   General  Z 1019 .C 467 2019

Censorship: A World Encyclopedia. Reference Z 657 .C 468 2001
Encyclopedia of Censorship. Reference Z 657 .G 73 2005
Encyclopedia of Literature and Politics: Censorship, Revolution, and Writing.  Reference PN 51 .E 63 2005
Encyclopedia of the American Constitution.  Reference KF 458 .E 53 2000
Encyclopedia of the First Amendment.  Reference KF 4770 .E 53 2009
Free Expression and Censorship in America: An Encyclopedia.  General Z 658 .U 5 F 644 1997

Free Speech and Censorship:  A Documentary and Reference Guide

Free Speech and Censorship:  Examining the Facts

Free Speech and Censorship:  Opinions Throughout History.   Reference  KF  4772 .I 87 2022

Literature Suppressed on Political Grounds

Literature Suppressed on Religious Grounds

Literature Suppressed on Sexual Grounds

Literature Suppressed on Social Grounds

The New Censorship:  Opposing Viewpoints.  General  HM 1176 .N 48 2023

Civic Engagement / Civil Society

What is Civic?

What is Civic Engagement?

What is a Civil Society?

What is a Citizen?

What is Cultural Literacy / Cultural Intelligence?

What are some Barriers to Effective Citizenship?

What is Civic Agency?

What are Civic Associations?

What are Civic Attitudes among Adolescents?

What is Civic Capacity?

What is Civic Culture?

What is Civic Discourse?

What are Civic Dispositions?

What is Civic Duty?

What is Civic Education?

What is Civic Environmentalism?

What is Civic Humanism?

What is Civic Identity?

What is Ideology?

What is Civic Involvement?

What is Civic Participation?

What is Civic Republicanism?

What is Civic Responsibility?

What are Civic Skills?

What is Civic Socialization?

What is Civic Space?

What is Civic Virtue?

What is Civics?

What is Civil Religion?

What is Civility?

What is Citizenship?

What is Citizenship Education?

What is the Common Good?

What is Communitarianism?

What is a Community?

What is a Filter Bubble?

What is Helping Behavior?

What is Humanitarianism?

What is Incivility?

What is Participatory Democracy?

What is Political Civility?

What are Political Ideologies?

What is Political Participation?

What is Public Choice Theory?

What is Self - Interest?

What is Service Learning?

What is a Social Audit?

What is Social Capital?

What is the Social Contract?

What is Social Justice?

What is ocial Literacy / Social Intelligence?

What is Social Responsibility?

What is the Tyranny of Civility?

What is Voter Apathy?

Constitution research guide

Ethics research guide

Philosophy research guide

The National Constitution Center.  Look under the link for Education for many classroom resources.



Conspiracies:   Critical Insights to Literature.   General  PN  56 .C 675 C 667 2020

Conspiracy Encyclopedia   Reference  HV 6275 .C 66 2005

Conspiracy Theories:  Opinions throughout History.  Reference  E 179 .I 7758 2023
Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories
The Encyclopedia of Misinformation : A Compendium of Imitations, Spoofs, Delusions, Simulations, Counterfeits, Impostors, Illusions, Confabulations, Skullduggery, Frauds, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Hoaxes, Flimflam, Pranks, Hornswoggle, Conspiracies & Miscellaneous Fakery
Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries:  Secrets, Conspiracy Theories, Anomalies, Extraterrestrials and More

Encyclopedia of Right-Wing Extremism in American History

Modern American Extremism and Domestic Terrorism:  An Encyclopedia of Extremists and Extremist Groups
Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior
Reference  HM 866 .E 93 2009

Paranoia, Fear, and Alienation:  Critical Insights to Literature.  General  PS 374 .P 35 P 37 2017

List of COD Library books on Conspiracy Theories as a general topic
Call numbers for general conspiracy books start around HV 6275.
You can search the library catalog for books on particular conspiracies like this:
In the search box, type in: conspiracy* AND some subject keyword
Example: conspirac* AND lincoln

Constitutional Law

Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

U.S. Constitution research guide
The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation (U.S. Library of Congress) 
Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights - General KF 3941 .A 68 U 88 2011
Encyclopedia of Religion and the Law in America
Encyclopedia of the American Constitution - General KF 4548 .E 53 1986
Encyclopedia of the First Amendment - Reference KF 4770 .E 53 2009
Evolving Constitution: How the Supreme Court Has Ruled on Issues from Abortion to Zoning - General KF 4548 .L 54 1992
Great American Court Cases
Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court - General KF8742 .W567 2004
The Oxford Guide to American Supreme Court Decisions - Reference KF 4548 .O 97 1999
The Philosophy of Law: An Encyclopedia - Reference K 204 .P 49 1999
United States Supreme Court Reports - Reference KF 101 .U 584

See also the section on Rules of Evidence below.

Evaluating Websites Help

The Amendment Project   

About amendments to the U.S. Constitution through time.

Exploring Constitution Law
Find landmark cases and explore Constitutional law issues.

FindLaw US Supreme Court Center
Find recent con law cases under "Browse Cases by Topic for Each Term."

Landmark Supreme Court Cases
A resource center to help students explore the key issues of landmark cases.

Open Jurist
This website gives access to free published court opinions.

Selected Constitutional Law Decisions of the US Supreme Court
Highlights some landmark con law cases.

Elected Officials Contact Information

The President and the Vice President

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.

Washington, D.C.  20500

Click here to send Email

Illinois Congressional Delegation

Senator Dick Durbin (Dem) (Senior member)

Senator Tammy Duckworth (Dem) (Junior member)

U.S. House District Representatives for the region around the College of DuPage.

U.S. House of Representatives Districts Map  (this will change after January 2023)


4th - Jesus "Chuy" Garcia (Dem)

5th - Mike Quigley (Dem)

6th - Sean Casten (Dem)

7th - Danny Davis (Dem)

8th - Raja Krishnamoorthi (Dem)

11th - Bill Foster (Dem)

14th - Lauren Underwood (Dem)

Elections and Voting

Organized into General Works, Atlases, Debates
Campaigning for President in America, 1788-2016. Reference JK 524 .H 36 2016

Cybersecurity Lexicon

Cyberthreats to Elections:  A Lexicon
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
Ballotpedia: The Encyclopedia of American Politics.
Encyclopedia of Deception
Encyclopedia of Libertarianism. Reference JC 585 .E 53 2008
Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion. Reference BL 65 .P7 E 53 2007
Encyclopedia of Politics: The Left and the Right. 
Encyclopedia of Public Choice
Encyclopedia of Right-Wing Extremism in Modern American History
Encyclopedia of the American Left. Reference HX 86 .E58 1998
International Encyclopedia of Elections. Reference JF 1001 .I 57 2000

Money and  American  Politics:  An Encyclopedia

Polling America:  An Encyclopedia of Public Opinion
The Rules and Politics of American Primaries:  A State - by - State Guide to Democratic and  Repulican Primaries and Caucuses
Who Can Collect and Return an Absentee Ballot Other Than the Voter?

Geographic Perspectives on Democracy and Elections background reading
Atlas of American Politics, 1960-2000. Reference JK 271 .A 85 2002
Atlas of the 2008 Elections. General G 1201 .F 9 A 8 2011
Atlas of the 2012 Elections. General  G 1201 .F 9 A 8 2014

Atlas of the 2016 Elections.  General  G 1201 .F 9 A 8 2018

Atlas of the 2020 Elections.   Reference  G 1201 .F 9 A 8 2020
The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress, 1789-1989. General G 1201 .F 9 M 26 1989
The Historical Atlas of State Power in Congress, 1790-1990. General G 1201 .F 7 M 3 1993
The Historical Atlas of United States Congressional Districts, 1789-1983. General G 1201 .F 9 M 3 1982
Historical Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections 1788-2004. Reference JK  524 .H 57 2006
The Routledge Historical Atlas of Presidential Elections. Reference JK  524 .M 54 2001

Commission on Presidential Debates background reading
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates background reading
Political Debates background reading
Presidential Debates background reading
List of COD Library books on Debates

Electoral College background reading

The Twelfth Amendment background reading

The Choice of the People?  Debating the Electoral College.  General  JK 529 .B 45 1996

Polling background reading
Voter Turnout background reading
The African American Electorate: A Statistical History. Reference JK 1924 .W 35 2012
The Almanac of State Legislative Elections : Voting Patterns and Demographics 2000-2006. Reference JK 1967 .A 77 2007
American National Election Studies Data Sourcebook, 1952-1986. Reference JK 1967 .M 54 1989
British Electoral Facts, 1832-2006. Reference JN 1037 .C 667 2007
Illinois Elections, 1818-1990 : Candidates and County Returns for President, Governor, Senate, and House of Representatives. Reference JK 5792 .I 45 1992
Presidential Elections, 1789-2008 : County, State, and National Mapping of Election Data. Reference JK 524 .D 47 2010
A Statistical History of American Presidential Elections. General JK 1967 .P 4 1963
United States Presidential Elections, 1788-1860 : The Official Results by County and State. Reference JK 524 .D 778 2002
United States Presidential Primary Elections, 2000-2004 : A Handbook of Election Statistics. Reference JK 522 .C 662 2007
U.S. Election Statistics: A Research Guide, from the U.S. Library of Congress
Voter Turnout since 1945: A Global Report. Reference JF 1001 .L 693 2002

COD VOTES - a non-partisan organization of College of DuPage students, staff, faculty, and community members working to increase nonpartisan civic learning and engagement in the democratic process.


Ballotpedia (lots of current information available in this online encyclopedia)
Chicago Board of Election Commissioners
Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA)
Cook County Clerk's Office -  elections

Democracy Reform and Voting Rights in the United States Web Archive, from Columbia University
DuPage County Election Commission

Election Assistance Commission (U.S.)

Electoral  College Checking the claims and statements for facts and lies

Federal Voting  Assistance Program (FVAP)

FindLaw - Voting Rules and Rights
Healthy Elections Project  A joint Stanford U. - MIT project to study election rules and procedures at the state level.

Illinois State Board of Elections
Kane County elections

League of Women Voters
PolitiFact Checking those facts
Open Secrets (lots of various types of financial information)
Real Clear Politics - Poll Numbers - Voter Information

U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Civil Rights - Voting Section
U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC)
U.S. Federal Election Laws

U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) - Presidential  Elections and Inaugurations

Vote 411 (U.S.)
Vote Smart (lots of various types of information found here)

Voter Participation Center

Voting and Elections Toolkit, from the Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT), of the  American Library Association (ALA)

Who Can Collect and Return an Absentee Ballot Other Than the Voter?
Will County elections (for trends and issues)


The Armenian Genocide:  The Essential Reference Guide

Children of the Holocaust

The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust.   Reference D 804.3 .N 54 2000

Daily Life during the Holocaust.  General  D 804.195 .S 68 1998

Dictionary of the Holocaust.   Reference  D 804.25 .E 67 1997

Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity.  Reference HV 6322.7 .E 532 2005

Encyclopedia of Holocaust Literature.   Reference  PN 56 .H 55 E 53 2002

Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust.   Reference  DS 135 .E 8 E 45 2001

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.   Reference D 804.3 .E 53 1990
Encyclopedia of Transnational Crime and Justice.
Encyclopedia of War Crimes and Genocide. 
Reference HV 6322.7 .H 67 2006
Historical Atlas of the Holocaust.   Reference  D 804.17 .H 57 1996
Historical Dictionary of Civil Wars in Africa.  Reference DT 21.5 .A 76 2008

Historical Dictionary of Holocaust Cinema

Historical Dictionary of the Holocaust.   Reference  D 804.25 .F 57 1999

Holocaust and World War II Almanac.  Reference  D 804.17 .H 65 2001

Holocaust Literature:  A History and Guide

The Holocaust Encyclopedia.  Reference  D 804.25 .H 65 2001

Holocaust Encyclopedia online
Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence

At Issue:  The Rwanda Genocide.   General  DT 450.435 .R 839 2004

The Armenian Genocide:  Viewpoints on Modern World History.   General  DS 195.5 .A 7358 2018

The Border of Lights Reader:  Bearing Witness to Genocide in the Dominican Republic

A Companion to the Holocaust

Genocide:  An Anthropological Reader.   General  HV  6322.7 .G 46 2002

Genocide and Mass Violence in Asia:  An Introductory Reader

Genocide and the Holocaust:  Defining Documents.   Reference HV  6322.7 .G 46635 2021

Human Rights / Civil Rights

General book call number area: JC 571 for general Human Rights

Civil and Human Rights Law Portal

Global Migration Research Guide

LGBTQ Pride Month


A to Z of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations

Civil Rights (an encyclopedia)  

Civil Rights:  Critical Insights to Literature

Civil Rights Movements:  Past and Present.    Reference  E  185.61 .C 585 2020

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (U.S. State Department)

Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America.   Reference. JC  599 .U 5 E 53 2005
An Encyclopedia of Human Rights in the United States
Encyclopedia of Human Rights Issues since 1945 
General JC 571 .L 2747 1999

Equal Protection:  Documents Decoded
Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations
Human Rights and the United States
Human Rights Encyclopedia 
Reference JC 571 .L 523 2001
International Encyclopedia of Human Rights  General JC 571 .M 3243 2000

Martin Luther King, Jr.:  Critical Insights to Literature.   General  E 185.97 .K 5 M 37 2019

Modern Slavery:  A Documentary and Reference Guide

Tweeting to Freedom : An Encyclopedia of Citizen Protests and Uprisings Around the World

Civil Rights Digital Library

Civil Rights Division (U.S. Justice Department)

Human Rights and Special Prosecution Section (U.S. Justice Department)

Human Rights Watch organization

Illinois Attorney General - Civil Rights

Illinois Department of Human Rights

United Nations Human Rights Office

U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

Immigration, Migration, and Refugees


Atlas of American Migration.  Reference  G 1201 .E 27 F 5 1998

Atlas of Environmental Migration.   Reference  G 1046 .E 27 I 613 2016

Atlas of Human Migration.   General  GN 370 .A 85 2007

Atlas of Migration in Europe:  A Critical Geography of Migration Policies:  Reference JV  590 .M 55213 2019

People on the Move:  An Atlas of Migration.   Reference  G  1046 .E 27 P 46 2010


Anti-Immigration in the United States: An Encyclopedia

Border Disputes:  A Global Encyclopedia
Chronology of Immigration in the United States.  Reference  JV 6450 .W 76 2008
Dictionary of American Immigration History.  Reference  JV 6450 .D 53 1990
Encyclopedia of American Immigration.  Reference  JV 6465 .E 53 2010
Encyclopedia of Diasporas : Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World.  Reference DS 134 .E 63 2004
Encyclopedia of North American Immigration.

Encyclopedia of the Great Black Migration
Facts about American Immigration. 
Reference  JV 6465 .B 73 2001
The Immigration and  Nationality Act of 1965:  A Reference Guide
Immigration in America Today: An Encyclopedia.
Reference  JV 6465 .I 4754 2006

Immigration:  Opinions throughout History
Issues in U.S. Immigration.  Reference JV 6450 .I 565 2015
Key Concepts in Migration. Reference JV 6021 .B 37 2014
Undocumented Immigrants in the United States: An Encyclopedia of Their Experience.

The U.S. - Mexico Border:  A Reference Handbook.   General  F 787 .L 46 2022

COD Library Controversial Topics Research Guide
COD Library Ethnic Groups Research Guide
COD Library Social Problems Research Guide
Border and Migration Studies This database has streaming videos and other print content on various aspects of life along borders.

Defining Documents in American History:  Immigration and Immigrant Communities (1650 - 2016)

Immigration:  Select Documents and Court Records.   General  JV  6455 .A 7 1969

Peoples on the Move:  The Immigration Crisis (Opposing Viewpoints).   General  JV 6483 .P 445 2023

U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Laws and Issues:  A Documentary History.   General  KF 4818 .U 25 1999

Intelligence and Espionage

Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

Encyclopedia of the Central Intelligence Agency. Reference UB 251 .U 5 S 63 2003
List of Historical Dictionaries on Intelligence at the COD Library
COD Library research guide on Fake News
COD Library research guide on Lying and Deception

International Relations and Governments

The Brennan Center for Justice (New York University School of Law). Covers justice issues worldwide.
Center for Democracy and Technology. Covers the issue of global civil liberties.
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Provides expert commentary about world events and issues.
Central Eurasian Interactive Atlas Project. This University of Washington study provides commentary about world events and issues.
Council on Foreign Relations. Independent, non-partisan think tank covering issues worldwide.
Countries of the World - Infoplease
Economic Freedom of the World Report. Report uses data to measure economic freedom in 141 nations.
Foreign Policy Research Institute. Information on foreign policies that advance U.S. interests.

Global Migration Research Guide

Global  Protest Tracker
H-Borderlands. Discusses issues regarding the U.S./Mexico border, as well as borderlands worldwide.
Inter-American Development Bank. Provides financial support for development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
International Monetary Fund. This agency of the United Nations provides advice and financial backing to primarily developing countries.
Nationmaster. Data in charts, graphs, and tables on countries throughout the world.
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). A directory of NGO's compiled from a variety of sites.
Overseas Loans and Grants. Historical record of worldwide financial aid provided by the United States.

Policy Commons:  Global Think Tanks   Free information from many research think tanks.
Political Database of the Americas. Extensive data on countries in the Americas, from Georgetown University's Center for Latin American Studies.
Project Vote Smart Find your representative by address and zip code, or take a survey to see which candidate matches your beliefs.
The United Nations
The United Nations Library
The World Bank. Provides financial assistance to developing countries.
World Concern Institute. Democracy rankings for 150 of the largest nations in the world.
World Values Survey. Research project that examines people's values and beliefs throughout the world

Legal System

Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

Crime and Punishment in America : An Encyclopedia of Trends and Controversies in the Justice System.
Crime and the Justice System in America : An Encyclopedia. 
General HV 6789 .C 6884 1997
Encyclopedia of the American Judicial System. General KF 154 .E 53 1987
Gale Encyclopedia of American Law Reference KF 154 .W 47 2011
Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law
The Judicial Branch of State Government : People, Process, and Politics. 
Reference KF 8736 .J 83 2006
Legal Systems of the World : A Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopedia.  Reference K 48 .L 44 2002

The Oxford Companion to American Law.   General  KF 156 .O 94 2002
The Philosophy of Law: An EncyclopediaReference K 204 .P 49 1999

The State and Federal Courts: A Complete Guide to History, Powers, and Controversy.

The Supreme Court of the United States:  A Student Companion.   General  KF 8742 .A 35 P38 2001

Marxism, Communism, Socialism

Biographical Dictionary of Marxism. Reference HX 23 .B 568 1986
Biographical Dictionary of Neo-Marxism. Reference HX 23 .B 57 1985

Dictionary of American Communal and Utopian History.  Reference  HX 653 .F 65 1980
Dictionary of the Politics of the People's Republic of China. Reference DS 777.75 .D 53 1998

Dictionary of Alternatives:  Utopianism and Organization
Encyclopedia of China. Reference DS 705 .P 47 1999
Encyclopedia of Eastern Europe : From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism. Reference DJK 6 .E 53 2000
Encyclopedia of Governance
Encyclopedia of the American Left. Reference HX 86 .E 58 1998

Encyclopedia of Utopian Literature.  Reference  PN 56 .U 8 S 66 1995
Historical Dictionary of Marxism. Reference HX17 .W 36 2007
Historical Dictionary of North Korea. Reference DS 933.7 .K 55 2003
Historical Dictionary of Socialism. Reference HX17 .D 63 1997
Isms and Ologies: All the Movements, Ideologies, and Doctrines that have Shaped Our World: The 453 Basic Tenets You've Only Pretended to Understand. Reference HM 585 .G655 2007
Marxism, Communism, and Western society; A Comparative Encyclopedia. General AE 5 .M 27 1972
Propaganda and Mass Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia. General HM 1231 .C 85 2003

Utopias and Utopianism:  A Historical Dictionary.  Reference  HX 626 .T 73 1999

19th Amendment / Women and the Vote


Biographical Dictionary of Modern Peace Leaders. Reference JX 1962 .A 2 B 56 1985
Dictionary of Conflict Resolution.
Encyclopedia of Peace Education.
General JZ 5533 .E 48 2008
Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology. Reference JZ 5533 .E 65 2012
Encyclopedia of the United Nations and International Agreements. Reference KZ 4968 .O 84 2003
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict.
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, 1945-1996.
General D 842 .J 47 1998

Historical Dictionary of International Peacekeeping.  Reference  JX 1981 .P 7 M 364 1996

Humanitarianism:  Keywords
Major Peace Treaties of Modern History. General JX 121 .I 8 2002
Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence
Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace.
Reference JZ 5533 .O 95 2010

Peace Terms:  A Glossary  of Terms for Conflict Management and Peacebuilding
Talking Conflict : The Loaded Language of Genocide, Political Violence, Terrorism, and Warfare.

Political Communication

Allsides Red Blue Dictionary

Covering American Politics in the 21st Century : An Encyclopedia of News Media Titans, Trends, and Controversies.
 The Encyclopedia of Misinformation : A Compendium of Imitations, Spoofs, Delusions, Simulations, Counterfeits, Impostors, Illusions, Confabulations, Skullduggery, Frauds, Pseudoscience, Propaganda, Hoaxes, Flimflam, Pranks, Hornswoggle, and Conspiracies.
Encyclopedia of New Media: An Essential Reference to Communication and Technology.
Encyclopedia of Political Communication
Encyclopedia of Politics, the Media, and Popular Culture
 Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Reference QA76.9 .D 343 E 538 2014
Historical Dictionary of Political Communication in the United States. Reference JA 85.2 .U 6 H 57 1999

Key Concepts in Political Communication

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Communication and Critical Cultural Studies.
Partisan Journalism : A History of Media Bias in the United States. General PN 4888 .O 25 K 84 2014

The Media Manipulation Casebook website
Propaganda and Mass Persuasion: A Historical Encyclopedia. General HM 1231 .C 85 2003

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior
The Social Media Revolution : An Economic Encyclopedia of Friending, Following, Texting, and Connecting

Truth and Lies in the Media:  Opinions throughout History.   Reference  PN 4784 .F 27 I 7758 2024
Tweeting to Freedom: An Encyclopedia of Citizen Protests and Uprisings Around the World.
Weasel Words: The Dictionary of American Doublespeak. Ref. PE 2839 .W37 2006

C-SPAN Political Ad Collection

The Living Room  Candidate:  Presidential Campaign Commercials, 1952 - 2020.  (Museum  of the Moving Image)

Political Advertising Resource Center (The Center for Political Communications and Civic Leadership, the University of Maryland)

Political Commercial Archive (The Carl Albert Center at the University of Oklahoma)

Politics and Film


Encyclopedia of Privacy Reference JC 596.2 .U 5 E 53 2007
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining Reference QA 76.9 .D 343 E 538 2014
Legal Guide to Social Media : Rights and Risks for Businesses and Entrepreneurs General HD 69 .S 8 H 687 2013
Privacy rights in the Digital Age: An Encyclopedia
The Right to Privacy : Rights and Liberties Under the Law. General KF1262 .Z 9 G 59 2003


State and Local Politics

Course:  Political Science 1105

Local Politics overview

Chicago Region Library Research Guide

Geographic Perspectives on Democracy and Elections

Metropolitan Government history

Political Geography and Local Boundaries overview

Politics in the Suburbs overview

Urban Studies Library Research Guide

Allsides Red Blue Dictionary

The Book of the States. Latest edition in Reference JK 2403 .B 6. With statistical and directory information.
The Executive Branch of State Government: People, Process, and Politics. Reference JK 2446.5 .E 94 2006
Guide to Urban Politics and Policy in the United States.
The Judicial Branch of State Government: People, Process, and Politics. Reference KF 8736 .J 83 2006
The Legislative Branch of State Government: People, Process, and Politics. Reference JK 2488 .L 58 2006
Money in American Politics: An Encyclopedia
Political Encyclopedia of U.S. States and Regions. Reference JK 2408 .P 623 2009

COD VOTES - a non-partisan organization of College of DuPage students, staff, faculty, and community members working to increase nonpartisan civic learning and engagement in the democratic process.

Elected Officials Contact Information   For tracking legislation in state legislatures.

Council of  State Governments (CSG)

DuPage County Mayors and Managers Conference

Illinois Policy Institute

Latino Policy Forum

LGBTQ Pride Month Nonpartisan group that researches campaign contributions at all levels of government.

National Association of Counties - Counties 101

National Association of State  Budget Officers (NASBO)

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
National Institute on Money on State Politics. Nonpartisan list of contributions to political campaigns.
National Governors Association. Information about governors in every state.
Open Government Guide is a complete compendium of information on every state's open records and open meetings laws. Each state's section is arranged according to a standard outline, making it easy to compare laws in various states. - See more at:   For tracking legislation in state legislatures. Election resources on parties, candidates, ideological positions and issues at both the national and state level.
Project Vote Smart Find your representative by address and zip code, or take a survey to see which candidate matches your beliefs.
State and Local Government web sites directory

Stateline, current news about state governments and issues, from the Pew Charitable Trust


Why Reference Sources?

Is your research topic too big to cover in a short paper?  Is your topic so specific that sources will be hard to find?

Before you even begin your research, start the process with reference sources-- in the Library's Reference Section or online in our databases.  Reference books, like subject encyclopedias, can give you a head start and make your research easier in the long run.  Use reference sources to:

  • find a topic
  • narrow your topic
  • find keywords
  • get background information on your topic

The 9/11 Encyclopedia

Global Terrorism Database

Chronologies of Modern Terrorism Reference HV 6431 .R 84 2008
Encyclopedia of Modern American Extremists and Extremist Groups Reference HN 90 .R 3 A 75 2002
Encyclopedia of Modern Worldwide Extremists and Extremist Groups Reference HN 49 .R 33 A 85 2004
Encyclopedia of World Terrorism Reference HV 6431 .E 53 2003
Extremist Groups: Information for Students Reference HN 90 .R 3 E 975 2006
Historical Dictionary of Terrorism General HV 6431 .A 537 2002
Political Violence and Terrorism in Modern America : A Chronology Reference HN 90 .V 5 H 49 2005
September 11 in Popular Culture:  A GuideGeneral  HV 6432.7 .S 455 2010
Shocked and Awed : A Dictionary of the War on Terror Reference JZ 1253.5 .H 355 2010
Terrorism: Essential Primary Resources
Terrorism: The Essential Reference Guide 

Theories and Philosophy

What is Political Philosophy?

What is Political Anthropology?

What is Political Sociology?
Be sure to look in the other political science dictionaries and encyclopedias listed above.
PHILOSOPHY library research guide
A list of COD Library books on Political Philosophy

A Dictionary of Cultural and Critical Theory.
Encyclopedia of Political Theory

50 Classics of Politics  (summaries of important books)
A Glossary of Political Theory
Isms and Ologies: All the Movements, Ideologies, and Doctrines that have Shaped Our World: The 453 Basic Tenets You've Only Pretended to Understand. Reference HM 585 .G655 2007
Key Concepts in Governance
Key Concepts in Political Communication
The New Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Reference CB 9 .N 49 2005
Political Philosophy, A-Z
Political Theories for Students and Reference JA 81 .P617 2002

Ukraine Crisis

The Black Sea Encyclopedia

Border Disputes:  A Global Encyclopedia.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Former Soviet Union.   General  DK 14 .C 35 1994

Cultural Atlas of Russia and the Former Soviet Union.   General  DK 32 .M 62 1998

Digital Atlas of Ukraine Project (from Harvard University)

The Geopolitical Black Sea Encyclopedia

Historical Dictionary of Belarus

Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine

Restless Empire:  A Historical Atlas of Russia.   Reference  DK 18.7 .B 375 2015

Routledge Atlas of Russian History.  General  G 2111 .S 1 G 52 2007

Ukraine:  A Historical Atlas.   General  G 2151 .S 1 M 34 1985

Geography Research Guide

History Research Guide

Propaganda Research Guide

Conflict in the 21st Century:  The Impact of Cyber Warfare, Social Media, and Technology

The Gates of Europe:  A History of Ukraine.  General  DK 508.1 .P 55 2015

A Geography of Russia and its Neighbors.  General  DK 510.28 .B 55 2021

Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin.   Downstairs Display  DK 510.766 .P 87 E 4813 2018

Russia against the Rest:  The Post--Cold War Crisis of the World Order.   General  D 856 .S 35 2017

Russia Resurrected:  Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order

Russia, Ukraine, and the Breakup of of the Soviet Union.   General  DK 67.5 .U 38 S 98 2000

Basic Political Literacy

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