This page will help you get started looking for articles on queer subjects. Below, you'll find:
Look below for a selected list of databases particularly useful for searching LGBTQ+ topics.
Search the Library Catalog to find books, ebooks, and videos available at the COD Library.
Use "AND" to link concepts together, and get narrower, more specific results.
"Oscar Wilde AND literary criticism" will get you books that analyze Wilde's works, rather than the works themselves, because any results will need to have both terms in them.
Use "OR" to make searches broader, especially if you're looking for something that might be sorted under more than one term.
"Bisexual women OR lesbians" will get you results for women attracted to women using either of those terms.
Use quotation marks around a phrase to search for that exact phrase, not each word separately.
Use "NOT" to exclude items that are not relevant to your search. This is particularly useful for
"Asexual NOT plants" will look for results about asexuality, while excluding the way the word is also used when discussing plant life.
Below is a list of databases especially useful for searching LGBTQ+ subjects.
When off-campus, you will need to log in. Students can use their MyAccess information (like logging into COD email and Blackboard courses). District Residents can use their library card number and PIN (like logging into your library account).
Academic Search Complete provides both popular and scholarly journal coverage and video clips for nearly all academic areas of study including: social sciences, humanities, education, technology, engineering, physics, chemistry, language & linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences and ethnic studies. Academic Search Complete is a great starting point for most general research.
Provides indexing and full-text coverage of the Chicago Tribune from 1989-present.
Provides full-text access to the Daily Herald. Coverage: 1997-present.
This full-text database is a dedicated resource covering the culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America. It provides full text from a growing list of sources including peer-reviewed journals, magazines, newspapers, e-books, biographies and primary source documents.
LGBTQ+ Source is the definitive database for LGBTQ+ studies. It provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines, newspapers, and videos. It also includes a specialized LGBTQ+ thesaurus containing thousands of terms.
The New York Times Digital Edition provides access to breaking news, podcasts, newsletters, and articles from the daily print edition. Additional features include NYTs Cooking, Wirecuttter, Audio, and limited games. Download the NYTs News, Cooking, or Audio apps for faster access to the content you want most. NYTs Audio only on iOS.
Create an account with your COD email to access this resource.
SocINDEX with Full-Text is a comprehensive sociology research database. The database features records with subject headings from a sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. This database also includes full-text eBooks, monographs and conference papers.
Open Access Journals Directory (free full-text journal articles, no login required)
Policybot. This is a database of over 18,000 public policy reports and documents, most of them full-text & free online.
Explanation of Scholarly Journals
Explanation of the Difference between Journals and Magazines.