This page will help you get started looking for books on queer subjects. Below, you'll find the sections:
Use our catalog to find books, videos, and other resources in our collections.
Search the Library Catalog to find books, ebooks, and videos available at the COD Library.
Check our Help Using the Library Catalog page for tips and tricks for finding what you want.
Looking for digital sources? Check out our E-book databases.
Do we just not have what you need? Consider I-Share or InterLibrary Loan, or look for Nearby Public and Academic Libraries.
Check out our Stealthy LGBTO+ Books page for recommendations for books that aren't obviously about LGBTQ+ characters and themes, for more subtle reading.
And remember, you can always Ask A Librarian! We are here to help.
The library uses the Library of Congress Classification System to organize its books, sorting them by subject.
While relevant materials might be in any section, check out this sections for LGBTQ+ books:
Call Number Range | Subject | Tips |
HQ 12 - HQ 77.95 | The family; Marriage; Woman; Sexuality | Check here for nonfiction books about LGBTQ+ subjects |
Want to know where specific collections are located? Check out the maps of the Library's upper and lower floors.
Or, check out our guide for for Browsing Ebooks.